Mothercraft for Babies

Discover the joy of parenting with the Mothercraft for Babies difference!

As new parents, the sleepless nights, feeding challenges and lack of routine can be overwhelming.

At Mothercraft for Babies, we have earned our enviable reputation as an Early Parenting and Baby Sleep Consultancy by understanding that becoming a parent is a huge adjustment for the whole family.

Our Sydney based team comprises highly skilled and experienced Registered Mothercraft Nurses, and Child and Maternal Health Nurses who each trained at Tresillian or Karitane. They specialise in providing suitable feeding and routine strategies and evidence based sleep solutions, from newborns to toddlers.

We offer a range of support services and programs including In Home, Phone and Video either one on one with you or if you prefer, with your partner/other caregivers. 

By completing the website Contact form you will receive a obligation  FREE  15 minute consultation with Beth to decide the best way forward and solution.

We know every family is different so there is no “one size fits all” in our approach.

Beth Barclay

Founder and Director

NOTE: It is important to advise us if you or anyone in your family is experiencing any flu like symptoms prior to booking an in home consultation. We want to keep both you and us safe.

Our Services

We offer a range of support programs tailored to your needs.

Becoming a parent is like someone teaching you how to drive a car and then on the big day,
revealing you’ll actually be flying a plane.

– @themomatlaw

We will help you fly that plane!

From Our Blog

We address all the latest hot topics to help you adjust to early parenting

What is a Mothercraft Nurse?

Some clients declare us as a “parenting godsend” of baby and toddler sleep for every new Mum or Dad, indeed for the whole family. 

10 Pro Tips for a "toddler safe" home

Supervision is the key to child safety, but you can’t watch them 24/7!

Toddlers - boundaries, routine and sleep

Study after study shows that toddlers love and indeed crave routine! It helps them feel safe, secure in their world.

Essential advice and tips for feeding your newborn

It is important for all mums to note that the experience of breastfeeding is unique, as no two mums and babies are the same.

I contacted Beth and she could recognise that I had lost confidence in myself and was lost as to how to fix things. She immediately reassured me that this was not out of the ordinary, I hadn’t done anything wrong and it was all fixable. Things a struggling new mum needed to hear.

Baby is now (less than 2 weeks later) sleeping in his cot, sleeping well at night, waking a maximum of once per night for a feed, self-settling and napping well during the day.

You can certainly tell that Beth has been working with families for many years and is highly experienced. She is great at what she does.

Kayla - May 2023

I have no hesitation in recommending Mothercraft. I had an initial phone consult with Beth and then Stacie has been out to do home visits twice and all of the help and information has been fantastic in helping me understand how to settle my baby and work with his natural rhythm of feeding, playing and sleeping.

As a single first-time parent who had to go back to work when my baby was 8 weeks old, I could not have managed without Stacie’s help. She even came to my office (in the torrential rain) to help me put together a plan for making sure his sleep is consistent on days when he’s in the office with me.

I’m planning to contact Mothercraft again for assistance with transitioning my baby to solids and anytime after that when I might need help. Both Beth and Stacie are able to give practical, evidence-based advice for babies at all stages of development.

Claire - 2022

Hi Beth, I just wanted to pass on Meg’s absolute delight with Jackie’s visit last week. Jackie made her feel so much better after her visit than she had beforehand. She was really pleased with Jackie’s help and advice.

We’ve noticed how much more relaxed Meg is since having Jackie’s visit & more content.
I’m sure Meg would have expressed it to her, but please pass on Meg’s appreciation to Jackie for her invaluable help.

Tim - 2022

Beth recently helped me with breaking ‘feeding to sleep’ with my 16mth old son. I had tried for a few months to change his bedtime routine, but it always ended with me feeding after an hour of trying to settle. It was exhausting and upsetting for both of us.

The first 3 nights were hard, but I had hope as I saw incremental change for the better. Then night 4 – he self settled! And what made it more pleasing was that he did it happily and calmly. There was no crying (except by me after releasing 16 mths of self-inflicted guilt for feeding to sleep!). He repeated this the next night, and the next. Even now, two weeks later, he’s still doing it.

I couldn’t have done this without Beth. She not only taught me skills, but conferred me confidence. I’m now a stronger mum for it.blockquote>

Vanessa - 2022

I could not recommend Beth highly enough. I recently engaged the services of Beth from Mothercraft for Babies and am absolutely thrilled and beyond grateful for the astonishing results we achieved within 48 hours. I have a 20 month old daughter who was born with a rare disease and suffered from reflux, as a result my daughter has never been a great sleeper. I

returned to work in 2020 only having a short time off for maternity leave and my daughter was sleeping in the spare room in the double bed with my mother, as I was not able to get a goods night rest so I could concentrate at work. I recently had a baby and was unable to sleep with my newborn as my daughters sleeping habits or lack there of sleeping spiraled out of control. It resulted in my mum sleeping with the newborn and I was sleeping in my daughters room on her floor whilst she was in her cot. I had not had a good nights sleep for approximately 2 months, as my daughter refused to go to bed and when she did she would only sleep for a maximum of 3 hours and would then be consistently up 45 minutes to an hour.

I made an appointment with my daughters pediatrician and raised my concerns as I initially thought that there may be some health issue with her. After speaking with the pediatrician he ruled out any health concerns and recommended Beth. I approved of the idea and Beth contacted me later that day. Beth has honestly changed our lives. Beth listened to what was happening and provided me with guidance and information that suited my lifestyle and situation.

I can honestly say that after the first 24 hours our lives had changed in a positive way and after 48 hours our lives have changed completely. I have not slept on the floor in my daughters room since and have been able to sleep in my own room with my husband in our bed. There are no frequent wake ups involving me having to attend to our daughter and go into her room. Not only have I been able to sleep in my own room, my husband and I now have quality time and are able to go for our evening walks and I am focused with work and much happier.

My daughter now has her daytime nap for approximately 1.30hour-2 hours. This involves me taking my daughter into her room, placing her into her cot and walking out of her room immediately. My daughter then goes down for the night at 6.30-6.45pm and again this involves me taking her to her room upstairs, placing her in her cot and walking out of her room immediately. Beth was easily contactable and provided follow up calls and messages. Beth went out of her way to fit me into her schedule and managed to get me in just prior to Christmas.

Beth I can never thank you enough for what you have done for my family. You are an absolute professional who has a love, passion and understanding of children’s needs. Beth you have given me my life back, I am forever grateful. I would not hesitate in recommending you to family, friends and people in general. I would be more than happy and willing to speak to any of your future clients. Thank you once again, I am forever grateful./blockquote>

Leah and Estelle - 2022

Google Review

“Beth and one of her excellent foot soldiers, Jackie, whipped my son and I into shape sharpish! He has reflux and they identified this, made contact with my pediatrician and by the end of the day he was on medication. Two months later he’s the tubbiest, happiest little thing. Jackie’s advice on other matters was on point and Beth even took a panicked call in recent weeks over another #motherfail moment :)”

Sarah Thompson - 2021

We were in a bad situation with both of us working full time and being woken up 3 times every night to feed our 11 month old. One of us was still sleeping in the room with her so that the other could get some sleep in the other room. Our daughter was also barely eating solids. Beth was a great listener, which is why we decided to proceed with using her services. She took into account our personal circumstances, which I felt hadn’t been listened to by many other professionals in the past. We worked with Beth for one week via Telehealth/phone support. During that time, our daughter reduced her milk intake down from 1 litre per day to 200ml, and began eating 3 meals plus 2 snacks per day. We took forward her advice on sleep from the final phone consultation. The first 3 nights were exhausting, but on the 4th night she slept 11 hours straight. She now sleeps in her own room, and we don’t need to feed her at all during the night anymore. We couldn’t believe it was so quick and such good value to make so much positive change. Beth’s help really changed our lives, thank you!

Kate - 2021

Google review. “As a first time mum I needed a lot of help as I didnt know what I was doing. Stacie from the team came and was really patient with my questions and personal situation. She relieved a lot of my anxiety and stress. I would use them time and time again. Thank you again!!!” Candice/blockquote>

Candice - 2021

I couldn’t recommend Mothercraft for Babies more highly! I have used Beth and her amazing team 3 times now. The first time was when our bub was a newborn and had horrendous witching hours every evening. The second time was during 4 month sleep regression, and the third time at 6 months now I am trying to wean him for daycare and sort out some feeding issues. We have done a mixture of home visits and phone consultations and both have been an incredible help. Beth has such practical, flexible, no fuss, easy to follow advice that really fits in with your daily routine and will help your bub. Her instant follow up help and tips via text for 5 days after each phone consult were invaluable. Thank you so much Beth!

Sophia - 2021

I just want to say a huge thank you for all of your assistance. Christian is doing so well and is a much happier boy. I have even been getting comments at work with Bosses saying I’m looking refreshed! I tell them that I am actually getting some sleep now! We are starting to transition to one sleep a day and he is walking more steps on his own each day. He isn’t sleeping through but is able to resettle almost immediately. Again, we can’t thank you enough. You are a Saint!

Jess - November 2020

#googlereview   I cannot recommend Beth from Mothercraft for Babies enough. I live in Central West NSW and had two video chats with Beth – despite not being face – to – face Beth was very understanding and easy to talk to. I suffer from PND and was having panic attacks due to my son’s behaviour – Beth gave me tools to assist with moving m very attached 2y9mo boy after 6 months co – sleeping to his own bed. Just doing this has helped with his behaviour (was anyone actually getting enough sleep?). Beth continuously checked in and sent encouraging messages which seemed to be exactly when I needed them.

We have successfully transferred him to his bed and that is 100% thanks to Beth’s gentle tools and methods. Honestly, if you’re struggling as a parent or have sleep issues with your child, contact Mothercraft for Babies, it’s that easy!!!.

Mallory - July 2020

Beth was one of the best gifts we found on our journey with a very unsettled bub. He was our first, had severe reflux and we were overwhelmed. Beth was a consistent, gentle guiding hand (by phone) that went over and beyond to help us access the Specialists we needed whilst maintaining our sanity.

She has again provided a reassuring touch stone with our second bub when guidance was needed. I will continue to recommend Beth to anyone who needs help. Her desire to help is genuine and she’ll happily find that help from others when needed. No arrogance in Beth, just a keen interest in helping families.

Kathy - May 2020

Just touching base to say Thankyou for your guidance and help with Patricia. I felt very comfortable speaking with you and your encouragement over the days of support was great. I appreciate your caring approach and especially grateful for your in-depth understanding of what we go through as a new Mum! I feel I have someone I can reach out to now when things go haywire which I didn’t have before . Sometimes problem solving baby stuff just doesn’t come naturally to me ! Patricia is making progress. Our day is more structured now thanks to you so we both know what comes next and we’re both more content . We still have our challenging days but are on the improve from before that’s for sure!

Angie - May 2020

Beth is a fantastic Mothercraft Nurse who is not only passionate and caring about treating babies and their families. But individually tailors her advice/treatment plan to meet the baby/toddler’s needs whilst also incorporating the parents needs/belief patterns and coping strategies. She sets realistic goals and normalises a new parent’s expectations. I have had both personal and professional experiences with Beth and would highly recommend her and her team of caring nurses.

Annette/Principal - Sans Souci Physiotherapy

Since our last video consult I have also been meaning to let you know that we are doing so well! Slow and steady win the race. End of January he started sleeping through the night consistently and now self settles for most sleeps … naps 1.5 hours 2 X a day. He’s commando crawling, clapping and babbling, so all happening here. I’m in such a better head space too. Thank you – my new mantra (thanks to you) is – what is the worst thing that can happen? And with that in mind, I’ve been able to get on with it and face each day without feeling so anxious and defeated. Zak also puts him down to sleep a lot and we’re just in a really nice place as a family. Can’t thank you enough

Yasemin - February 2020

After the birth of my daughter, we had a whole year of cosleeping with my 3yo son as we were all sleep deprived and on survival mode. He didn’t cope well with her arrival. I didn’t know how to help him sleep on his own again. We had tried to let him cry it out, and felt like we were really torturing him. As a working mum, it’s hard to set day time routines and even get him into bed at a decent time. I felt hopeless but found Beth and took a chance. I was skeptical at first as I felt like we had already tried a lot of things. We had a couple of phone call conversations and she really listened to the things I had to say and made me feel at ease even when I had very simple/silly questions to ask. It wasn’t an overnight miracle but surely and steadily we’ve made a lot of progress with my sons sleep. Some of the advice she gave me seemed like common sense but it was her keeping me accountable and setting some boundaries that I couldn’t do on my own. I wish I had the courage to ask for help and contacted Beth sooner. Thank you again! It’s really made the whole family happier.

Jenny - November 2019

Google review. “As a first time mum I needed a lot of help as I didnt know what I was doing. Stacie from the team came and was really patient with my questions and personal situation. She relieved a lot of my anxiety and stress. I would use them time and time again. Thank you again!!!” Candice

Kathy - January 2019

I wish I had done this sooner! my 14 month old had been waking every 1-2 hours throughout the night for months and I had reached my sleep deprived limit. Beth gave me advice about how to make some changes to my daughter’s diet, daytime routine and night time rituals and within 4 days we were seeing huge improvements. we are now down to 2 short night wake ups with a plan on how to get my daughter to settle on her own during these wake ups. the phone consultation package was a very convenient way for me to get help as I am working full time and I’m so grateful for the coaching and support I received from Beth. Thank you!

Jess August 2019

“Beth and her team of angels are absolutely amazing at what they do. I was suffering with my 4 month old who was not sleeping more than 40min during the day, waking up 5 times a night and devastatingly not eating. My nurse Jackie who at home we nicknamed Mary Poppins was so understanding and empathetic. She showed me so many little techniques to help my little boy. Literally the day after my boy slept 12hrs only waking up once! I literally can go on and on at how amazing my experience was. Highly highly recommended worth every cent.”

Sylvia - May 2019

As someone who has made use of Mothercraft for Babies no less than four times over the past year or so, I could not recommend them enough! They have always been prompt to respond and Beth herself provides practical direction with a great, no nonsense but supportive approach. She also goes above and beyond to follow through with your case. I have also had Nurse Sonia come out to help twice and it has been an absolute life saver. Sonia has a beautiful calm approach and I have been awe struck with her magic sleep touch! More importantly, the settling techniques she showed me completely changed the sleep game for me and my baby and set us up on a self soothing path which I would have been lost without. Could not recommend highly enough, worth every cent!

Helen - 2019

Beth has been a huge support over the past year with my son’s health issues and I could not recommend her highly enough. She provided much needed helped with sleep and settling issues when we couldn’t see straight from sleep deprivation. Always sensible, always kind and oh so patient. She makes sure the whole family is considered when providing support and you never feel left alone.

When we confronted medical issues and needed referral options, Beth went above and beyond to ensure we got the help we needed. She truly cares and provides a service I haven’t come across before.

Kathy - January 2019