10 Pro Tips for a "toddler safe" home
UncategorisedSupervision is the key to child safety, but you can’t watch them 24/7!
Toddlers - boundaries, routine and sleep
UncategorisedStudy after study shows that toddlers love and indeed crave routine! It helps them feel safe, secure in their world.
Essential advice and tips for feeding your newborn
UncategorisedIt is important for all mums to note that the experience of breastfeeding is unique, as no two mums and babies are the same.
Managing challenging days with an unsettled newborn
UncategorisedDid you know that your baby's temperament can play a big part in how they manage their emotions and experiences?
Top 10 tips when bringing your new baby home
UncategorisedMost of us bring into our parenting roles a history of beliefs, traditions and fond (or not so fond) memories of how we were parented.
The importance of normalising sleep expectations
UncategorisedA new baby is a big adjustment for the whole family and it takes time and practice to develop an understanding of your baby's needs and cues, such as hunger or tiredness, and how you best respond.
Safe Swaddling and Clicky Hips
UncategorisedClicky hips or DDH ( developmental dysplasia of the hip) is when the ball of a baby’s hip doesn’t sit properly in the hip socket. This means the hip is unstable.
Fast Facts - Eczema and Food Allergies
UncategorisedIt can be a challenging journey for those Mums caring for babies and toddlers with diagnosed eczema.
Current Breastfeeding Guidelines/AAP : COVID - 19
UncategorisedDate of Document: April 2, 2020
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Section on Neonatal
Perinatal Medicine, and Committee on Infectious Diseases
Karen M. Puopolo, M.D. Ph.D., Mark L. Hudak, M.D.,
David W. Kimberlin,…
5 "realities" you may not be expecting in your newborn’s first 12 weeks.
UncategorisedThere’s no doubt that life changes pretty dramatically for new parents in the first 12 weeks or 4th trimester of a newborn’s life. All the research and preparation you can devour during your pregnancy doesn’t quite prepare you for the reality of this little person who completely depends on you for their every need 24/7.
What is a Mothercraft Nurse? The fairy godmother of feeding and sleeping..
UncategorisedOriginally posted by Glowing Expectations
Resolve your baby's feeding and sleeping issues with the help of a Mothercraft Nurse – it's good for the whole family!
"My baby is 3 months old. I rock him for over an hour to get him to sleep…
7 Tips for managing two under two!
UncategorisedMothercraft for Babies is a team of highly skilled Registered Mothercraft Nurses/Midwives who will advise and support you and your baby or toddler through home visits or phone/video consultations and Tip Sheets and educational Videos from our…
Emotional well being for expectant and new mums
Uncategorised"Being a mother is one of the most rewarding jobs on earth and also one of the most challenging. It is sometimes difficult to reconcile the fantasy of what you thought motherhood would be like with reality. Take care of yourself." Debra…
That holy grail, a sleeping baby and the sleep "training" industry
UncategorisedParenting can take exhaustion to a whole new level with a household that isn't sleeping. How often does it feel like the measure of your success as a parent ( by just about every baby "authority"
you know) is how long/often your baby or toddler…
The First Six Weeks With Your Newborn.
UncategorisedThis interview segment on "the first six weeks with your newborn" forms part of the complete Bountyvision DVD program which is provided by Bauer Media to all Maternity Hospitals around Australia.
Routine Guide for 12-15 month old toddler
UncategorisedHere is a routine which can be used as a guide for the average, healthy toddler aged 12 - 15 months still needing two day sleeps.
It's important to remember that each child is different in terms of their development, sleep, playtime and dietary…
Mamamia Podcast - “Year One” - Getting Sleep Sorted
UncategorisedMamamia has recently launched a new Podcast series called “Year One” which is all about how to help you as a new parent, survive and enjoy, the first year of your child’s life. The Podcast series gives you practical, expert advice from…
Mamamia Podcast - “Year One” - Getting out of the House
UncategorisedIn Episode 5 of this Podcast Series from Mamamia, Holly and Christie ask me for my best tips on venturing out of the house for the first time with your new baby.
This is going to take some serious planning for two! Breastfeeding in public,…
A Mothercraft Nurse is a baby or toddler sleep expert and consultant.
UncategorisedA Mothercraft nurse has specialist qualifications, knowledge and a depth of experience in Postnatal and Early Parenting care for newborns through to preschoolers.
Our knowledge and training includes lactation and breastfeeding, responsive…
Ask the baby expert tip: Newborns in hot weather
UncategorisedThe really hot days are upon us, so if you don't have air-conditioning these suggestions will help keep you and baby more comfortable.
An effective way to manage the temperature at home is to open all the suitable windows and balcony doors…
Ask the baby expert: Newborn Routines
UncategorisedMost babies from around 2-3 months old start to respond to a more predictable rhythm or pattern to their day/night that reflects their developing needs for number of milk feeds, wake time and sleep cycles. Routines or rhythms that work have…
Quick Tips for Bottle Feeding
UncategorisedFor those mums who are using bottles for breast/formula feeding...did you know that if you warm the milk a little more (feels warm, not hot please when it touches your skin, inside wrist) the milk flow will quicken through the teat? And conversely…
Beth Barclay - Massaging Baby Interview - Femail Magazine
UncategorisedInterview by Brooke Hunter - Originally published Femail Magazine
Beth Barclay, a registered Mothercraft nurse with over 20 years of experience supports the long held belief that baby massage has many benefits. It enhances baby and parent…
Mothercraft for Babies “Care Plans” with every home consultation
UncategorisedSince 2010 our Mothercraft nursing team has helped hundreds of families overcome the parenting challenges that can arise from time to time. From this experience we know how much a “hands on” home consultation can almost instantly change…
Bringing your newborn home, let’s keep it real
UncategorisedThis past month I have been talking to many mums who are struggling to cope with caring for their newborns. It’s a pretty intense learning curve in the first few months, particularly if it is your first baby.
During pregnancy there is lots…
Postnatal Anxiety by Justine Adler
UncategorisedRecently I was fortunate to be on a safari observing a lioness stalk a water buffalo and its one-day old calf. Here in the wild, the calf's life was completely in her mother's hands. It was clear what a huge sense of responsibility it was for…
How to best manage Grandma's loving support
UncategorisedQ: We find it hard to get into any kind of a routine as we have our baby cared for by his two grandmothers 2 days a week who love to rock him to sleep and leave him napping on their lap? Is this the reason he is not self settling for us?
Infant sleep helpful hints, countdown to Xmas!
UncategorisedI recently attended a Conference for Early Childhood health professionals and I am always pleasantly surprised that I am still able to take away interesting and sometimes provocative propositions from different experts in our industry.
Helping your baby or toddler to sleep..."cue based” parenting
UncategorisedAnother big year comes to an end and I find myself reflecting on the many consultations I have had with mums (and dads) when seeking expert help and support to help babies and toddlers improve their sleep routines. The feelings of anxiety and…
Introducing Solids to your Baby
UncategorisedThe time has come to think about introducing solids into your baby’s diet, and for different reasons which may be relevant and suitable for your baby;
Your baby has come of age somewhere between 4-6 months where the additional nutrition…
"All wrapped up!" - helping babies improve their sleep patterns
Let's wrap our small babies! It does help them sleep better and longer.
There are many different styles of swaddles and wraps to choose from all claiming to be the miracle you have been searching for, that elusive, settled, sleeping angel!
How To Shop Smart in Preparation for your New Baby
UncategorisedYour first baby is due in just a few short months and the preparation has begun. Setting up nursery, cots, clothes, bath, change table, pram and many dollars later…..scary thought? And lots of helpful suggestions from the girlfriends, family,…
Unsettled babies - how do we help them sleep?
UncategorisedRecently the topical subject of "controlled comforting" for sleep challenged babies was highlighted in mainstream media...again. It was supported by a study by researchers at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne which followed…