Some clients declare us as a “parenting godsend” of baby and toddler sleep for every new Mum or Dad, indeed for the whole family.
Supervision is the key to child safety, but you can’t watch them 24/7!
Study after study shows that toddlers love and indeed crave routine! It helps them feel safe, secure in their world.
It is important for all mums to note that the experience of breastfeeding is unique, as no two mums and babies are the same.
Did you know that your baby’s temperament can play a big part in how they manage their emotions and experiences?
Most of us bring into our parenting roles a history of beliefs, traditions and fond (or not so fond) memories of how we were parented.
A new baby is a big adjustment for the whole family and it takes time and practice to develop an understanding of your baby’s needs and cues, such as hunger or tiredness, and how you best respond.
Clicky hips or DDH ( developmental dysplasia of the hip) is when the ball of a baby’s hip doesn’t sit properly in the hip socket. This means the hip is unstable.
It can be a challenging journey for those Mums caring for babies and toddlers with diagnosed eczema.
Date of Document: April 2, 2020
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Section on Neonatal
Perinatal Medicine, and Committee on Infectious Diseases
Karen M. Puopolo, M.D. Ph.D., Mark L. Hudak, M.D.,
David W. Kimberlin, M.D., James Cummings, M.D.
Breastfeeding guidelines for Mothers with suspected or confirmed infection of COVID – 19
“Because studies to date have not detected the virus in breast milk, mothers may express breast milk after appropriate breast and hand hygiene. Caregivers who are not infected may feed the breast milk to the infant. Mothers who request direct breastfeeding and are suspected or confirmed infected with COVID – 19 should comply with strict preventive precautions that include use of a mask and meticulous breast and hand hygiene.”
General Breastfeeding guidelines:
“No study to date has demonstrated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in breastmilk.
In addition to the known benefits of breastfeeding, mothers’ milk may provide
infant protective factors after maternal COVID-19. Promoting breast milk feeding and
supporting establishment of maternal milk supply may offer additional benefits to well and sick
Mothers may express breast milk (after appropriate breast and hand hygiene) and this milk may be fed to the infant by designated caregivers.
Breast pumps and components should be thoroughly cleaned in between pumping sessions using standard center policies that must include cleaning the pump with disinfectant wipes and washing pump attachments with hot soapy water.